Thursday, October 15, 2009

Nanny, Banny Bo Banny

We have just come home from visiting the 'grands' in Midwestville. What a great time we had. My daughter and I did spend one decadent afternoon clothes shopping for Me (I've finally allowed myself to climb to the top of the list) and I am most pleased with my purchases. There were no big decorating jobs, no painting, no planting, just a couple of quick seams for a cushion cover and 2 tiny valances. It is interesting that as I look back on those 3 days I'm ashamed at how little time I actually sat down with the girls and just focused on them. I did play a couple of games of Candyland and 2 games of Shutes and Ladders with my oldest granddaughter, there was an interesting game of 'restaurant waitress' played by myself and the 2 girls involving copious amounts of pretend coffee "just right, Nanna, not hot". Where did all the other hours that ticked by go? The girls did play an interesting game with their Uncle J involving plastic play food and a tea set, WII golf with Daddy and Poppy, ran around outside, painted and made some kind of sand pies in the sandbox. We did sit and eat meals and the girls do go to bed early but really, tictoc tictoc time just slips away. Is it because they are still quite young and often play within the periphery of others without connecting directly? Is it because they really had quite a lot to do with all the extra people? Am I being unrealistic thinking that I could/should actually visit and absorb them for hours at a stretch???? Maybe it's enough to just BE the Nanna. I know I'm grateful to have them in my life. I love you my girls.

Friday, October 2, 2009

More of the Same

So here I am trying to sort out a design for a sweatshirt jacket. I've been going to make this for over a year now and I would like to have this to wear in Sunnyville. I think my biggest problem is that I don't have a jumping off point. I do have it laid out on my cutting table so I'm as close to starting this project as I've ever been. I'm sure it will come.

On the heels of those statements I must tell you that I have finished the Butterfly Quilt. It came together great and I let it tell me what style of quilting it wanted. Ended up with some embroidery floss running stitch flowers, some straight stitch machine quilting, some tying and some free motion machine quilting. I love it. Can't post any photos as I'll be delivering this quilt next weekend and don't want to spoil the surprise.

My shoulder has been doing interesting things. It does have a wider range of motion however I think the fact that something had been trapped in there has caused things to shorten and are now causing some pain as they are pressed into service. It is getting better, slowly but surely.

The wiring question has bloomed like a flower. We called in a couple of electricians and have received quotes, have made a choice altered our requirements by adding in some electrical work for our shed which of course complicated things anew. Anyway, looks as tho' we're on the schedule for this Wednesday so we'll see how it goes. Hopefully no rude surprises.

I have been feeling very 'compressed' while waiting for the electrical thing to sort out. Not much room for creativity to grow. I did some grocery shopping the other day and purchased an acorn squash (my favourite type of squash). Turned out it was terrific! So terrific that I went back today and bought a couple more. With the memory of frost on the roof and a nip in the air, bundled in my cosy fleece jacket I purchased ingredients for a beef stew which I put together this afternoon. Fantastic!!!!

No exciting reading with this post, no great dawning, no large spark of inspiration, just counting down the days to the Six-Oh. Thanks for stopping by.